
A2K+ Access to Knowledge for Technology Development and Dissemination
ACC Associated Cement Company
ACE Association of Consulting Engineers
AIMA All India Management Association
ALH Advanced Light Helicopter
AMPRI Advanced Material and Processes Research Institute
APCTT Asia and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology
APIN Asia and Pacific Information Network
ASCI Administrative Staff College of India
BEL Bharat Electronics Limited
BIRD-crf Building Industrial Research & Development & Common Research Facilities
BTIS Bio-Technology Information System
CBDT Central Board of of Direct Taxes
CBRI Central Building Research Institute
CCMB Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
CDC Consultancy Development Centre
CDRI Central Drug Research Institute
CDROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory
CDC/ISIS Computerised Data Services/Integrated Set of Information System
CECRI Central Electrochemical Research Institute
CEERI Central Economics Engineering Research Institute
CEL Central Economics Limited
CFTRI Central Food Technology Research Institute
CGCRI Central Glass and Ceramics Research Institute
CII Confederation of Indian Industry
CIMAP Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
CIMFR Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research
CITT Centre for International Trade in Technology
CLRI Central Leather Research Institute
CMERI Central Mechanical Research Institute
CMPDIL Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited
CMRS Central Mining Research Station
CRRI Central Road Research Institute
CRTDHs Common Research and Technology Development Hub
CSIO Central Scientific Instruments Organisation
CSIR Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
CSMCRI Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute
CSTT Centre for Studies on Technology & Trade
DBT Department of Bio-Technology
DCPC Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals
DCSSI Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries
DGTD Directorate General of Technical Development
DOE Department of Electronics
DOT Department of Telecommunications
DRDO Defence Research & Development Organisation
DSIR Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
ECIL Electronics Corporation of India Limited
EDM Electronic Data Management
ENVIS Environmental Information System
ERDA Electrical Research and Development Association
ESCAP Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific
EXIM Export-Import
FC Foreign Collaborations
FI Fiscal Incentives
FICCI Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry
GSI Geological Survey of India
HGTP Home Grown Technology Programme
HMT Hindustan Machine Tools
HRD Human Resource Department
ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research
ICAS Indian Council of Ayurveda & Siddha
ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research
ICSSR Indian Council of Social Sciences Research
IDAMS Internationally Developed Data Management System
ICSTI International Centre for Science & Technology Information
IGIB Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology
IGNOU Indira Gandhi National Open University
IHBT Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology
IICB Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
IICT Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
IIFT Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
IIIM Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine
IIP Indian Institute of Petroleum
IISc Indian Institute of Science
IIT Indian Institute of Technology
IITR Indian Institute of Toxicology Research
ILD Institute for Labour Development
IMT Institute of Microbial Technology
INFLIBNET Information Library Network
INSA Indian National Science Academy
INSDOC Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre
IPCL Indian Petrochemicals Limited
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation
ITI Indian Telephone Industries
ITPO Indian Trade promotion Organisation
ITT Information Today & Tomorrow
LAN Local Area Network
LCA Light Combat Aircraft
LIS Library & Information Science
LTM Leather Technology Mission
MDR Multi Drug Resistance
MIT Ministry of Information Technology
MITCOM Maharashtra Industrial & Technical Consultancy organization Ltd.
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NACIDS National Access Centres to International Database Services
NAFEN National Foundation of Indian Engineers
NAL National Aerospace Laboratories
NaTCP Sodium TrichloroPyridinol
NBRI National Botanical Research Institute
NCAER National Council of Applied Economic Research
NCL National Chemical Laboratory
NCSI National Centre for Science Information
NEERI National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
NEIST North-East Institute of Science & Technology
NEITCO North-Eastern Industrial Technical Consultants Organisation Limited
NGRI National Geophysical Research Institute
NICMAR National Institute of Construction Management & Research
NID National Institute of Design
NIDC National Industrial Development Corporation
NIFT National Institute of Fashion Technology
NIIST National Institute for Inter-disciplinary Science & Technology
NIO National Institute of Oceanography
NISCAIR National Institute of Science Communication & Information Resources
NISSAT National Information System for Science And Technology
NISTADS National Institute of Science Technology & Development Studies
NMCC National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council
NML National Metallurgical Laboratory
NPL National Physical Laboratory
NRDC National Research Development Corporation
NRFC National register of Foreign Collaborations
NSTMIS National Science & Technology Management Information System
OCCI Overseas Construction Council of India
ODS Ozone Depleting Substances
PACE Patent Acquisition and Collaborative Research and Technology Development
PATSER Programme Aimed at Technological Self Reliance
PFRI Public Funded Research Institutions
PRISM Promoting Innovations in Individuals, Start-ups and MSMEs
PSCS Promotion & Support to Consultancy Services
PSU Public Sector Undertaking
RAJCON Rajasthan Consultancy Organisation Lts.
RDI Research & Development By Industry
REC Regional Engineering College
RRL Regional Research Laboratory
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SASTINET South Asian Science & Technology Information Network
SEETOT Scheme to Enhance the Efficacy of Transfer of Technology
SERC Structural Engineering Research Institute
SIRO Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation
SME Small & Medium Enterprise
TAAS Technology Absorption and Adaptation Scheme
TATT Transfer & Trading in Technology
TCO Technical Consultancy Organisation
TDB Technology Development Board
TEDO Technology Export Development Organisation
TePP Technopreneur Promotion Programme
TFYP Tenth Five Year Plan
TIFAC Technology Information Forecasting & Assessment Council
TM Technology Management
TPIC Technology Policy Implementation Committee
TQM Total Quality Management
UGC University Grants Commission
UNIDO United Nation Industrial Development Organisation
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade & Development
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation
UPICO Uttar Pradesh Industrial Consultants Ltd.
VIC Virtual Information Centre
WINISIS Window-Integrated Set of Information System
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organisation
WITT Waterfalls Institute of Technology Transfer
WSIS World Summit on Information Society